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Our unique partnership model with our founding partner Quilt.AI demonstrates how a global entity can support and empower a rural organisation, fostering a mutually beneficial ecosystem.
Quilt in Auroville

Based in Singapore and Boston, USA, Quilt.AI is an AI-powered insights company whose aim is to provide a more holistic, nuanced view of humanity using internet data.


By merging machine learning with human, cultural intelligence, Quilt.AI's team of anthropologists, engineers and designers develop dynamic models and maps from the billions of data points generated from digital behavior; ultimately building a quantitatively validated understanding of the consumers, categories, and culture.

As a socially driven technology company, Quilt.AI supports nonprofits and foundations, giving their time to causes they care about; like gender equity, gender based violence, climate and public health.

What is Quilt.AI?

Quilt Logo
Quilt logo

Aligned sensibilities and a mutual drive to support communities led Yuvabe co-founders and

Quilt.AI co-founder, Anurag Banerjee to try out a partnership model with the newly founded Quilt.AI,

in 2019. 

As Quilt.AI's Singapore team expanded steadily, more and more youth from Auroville and Bioregion were onboarded in Yuvabe to slowly learn the ropes of market research, data analysis, communication, and support their global team. 

As our primary partner and sponsor, Anurag Banerjee and his team have supported Yuvabe youth's multi-faceted growth and our mission of holistic empowerment. Their faith and support of our many initiatives, from STEAM Education to youth workshops has served as the cornerstone of our progress!

Yuvabe team in Singapore

Today Yuvabe's market research and programming team has evolved into an integral part of Quilt.AI's global team, working on projects across geographies.  


The skills and training received at Quilt.AI has enabled many Yuvabe alumni to take up new roles in leading organisations in India and abroad!



Yuvabe youth engaged by Quilt.AI



Projects completed

Hear from our Quilt.AI market research team about their learnings, challenges and experience of being part of a global organisation!

Yuvabe x Quilt.AI
Abilash -  Quilt.AI
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Praveen - Quilt.AI
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Hari - Quilt.AI
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Together we worked with

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